High Volume Injections for Tendons

High volume tendon injections can be used mainly for Achilles and Patellar tendon problems that have not responded to rehabilitation and other forms of conservative management and treatment. In chronic tendon problems, extra blood vessels and nerve endings form in and around the affected portion of the tendon and it is thought that this may contribute to ongoing pain.

High volume tendon injections, or stripping, uses saline (salt water) to disrupt these vessels and nerve endings to facilitate recovery. This can be a good option for those who have failed to see acceptable improvement through a good rehabilitation program. Studies have shown that in these circumstances, high volume injections produce lasting improvements which are maximised in conjunction with ongoing rehabilitation.

Prior to the procedure, a thorough clinical examination and diagnostic ultrasound scan are undertaken to ensure suitability. The injection is undertaken under ultrasound guidance for safety and accuracy. The procedure consists of injecting local anaesthetic followed by a high volume of salt water (saline) into the surrounding border of the tendon but not into the tendon itself. Steroid can also be injected at this time if you choose following detailed discussion with your clinician.

Following this procedure, patients are required to minimise activity for 2 weeks and avoid any strenuous activity for at least 4 weeks.  You will be given activity and rehabilitation advice at the time of your appointment and through aftercare.

Further details can be found here.


Consultation + Ultrasound Scan + High Volume Injection = £300