Life Fit Blog

Life Lessons Learnt by Life Fit in Lockdown

Posted 5 years ago

By Arlene Bowmaker, Director, Chartered Physiotherapist, Certified Pilates Instructor and British Nordic Walking Instructor and National Trainer.


You can’t please all of the people all of the time

We’ve resigned ourselves to that. What is important is that on a personal, professional and business level we have done our very best with the resources and information we’ve had, during these circumstances.

Sometimes the journey doesn’t go as direct or smoothly as planned but you get there in the end

According to the Life Fit Wellness 2020 business plan we are not at the stage where we thought we would be come August 2020. In certain respects, some projects and plans have been shelved or put on hold, some have been accelerated, and others that we had never even thought of, have happened because we took a different route.

Special thanks to those who came and are still on the journey with us, those who have joined us along the way, and those who did join for a short time but your journey has led you elsewhere. Hope to see you all in person at some stage to share our travelling tales.

On a personal note want to share that I sent my mum a parcel at the start of lockdown (emergency chocolate rations, very essential!). The parcel arrived in July having left Scotland at the start of April. It got to Ireland via Australia, we know thanks to the note left by Australia Post! The Lindt gold bunnies definitely didn’t look the same but apparently tasted fine.


Family and friends are what really matter, so keep in touch and keep close

Over the years many of our clients have become friends of Life Fit Wellness. Your encouraging emails, cheering Facebook messages, positive testimonials and support for our virtual services have kept us going through some very worrying days.


Team work makes the dream work

It was a true team effort to lockdown Life Fit, a core team effort to keep it going through lockdown and now a mammoth team effort to get it up and running again. You, our clients, are part of that team and we thank you for your involvement. A special thanks for embracing ‘the rules’ in the new normal; such as booking appointments and classes on line, paying via stripe, emailing rather than phoning, and wearing your mask when you visit the clinic.


Never take for granted what you have

That includes your body! Hopefully you have a healthy body, fit for life and ready for exercise. If not, be assured of easy access to knowledge and expertise to help you help yourself if you are recovering from injury, illness or simply want to get fitter and feel better.

We have a dedicated team of professionals at Life Fit Wellness ready to assist with all of the above, and who are all delighted they are able to return to their clinical work.

With our new diary system booking appointments or classes has never been easier.  Open the new app in your phone or tablet, follow the instructions and add to your home page; to create an icon with your Life Fit services at your fingertips.


We all have an important role to play, no matter how small

Start with hand washing, mask wearing and maintaining social distancing where possible. Completing a COVID-19 risk screening questionnaire prior to every appointment helps us assess whether it is appropriate that you attend.

The small things make the big difference and help keep us all safe.



You need to embrace change in order to survive

If you had told me at the start of 2020 I would be in front of a camera daily teaching Pilates I would have laughed and said ‘No, never!’ Yet here we are almost 200 classes later and if truth be told I actually enjoy it.

The option of NO Pilates classes wasn’t an option, so with some furniture re-arranging the home studio was born. It has been a delight for both me and Harry the cat to get creative and bring you Pilates in your own room via Zoom.

Now from feedback in a recent Life Fit Wellness Pilates survey the overwhelming consensus is you want Life Fit Live classes to continue in some format so watch out for more details.



Technology, learn to love it

It is the way forward. It is also recognising that sometimes we blame technology for things not happening, or mistakes made, but actually it’s often human error as to how we’ve used the technology. Come on admit it! Who has booked class for the wrong day, forgot to press unmute, or not checked their spam?

If you still have reservations, but are tempted to see what you have been missing out on, please know one of the Life Fit Wellness team are happy to help. Whether it’s to talk you through how to use Zoom, access the classes and book or pay on line, simply arrange a time via email or leave us a voice message.

Believe me if I have talked my mum through the Zoom process I can talk anyone!


Appreciate that we are all in this together

Understand that many of us are dealing with new and unfamiliar situations, and perhaps feeling more isolated or frustrated. We hear you, believe me I’m a physiotherapist and Pilates teacher yet seem to have been wearing new hats of administration and tech wizard and they don’t quite fit!

Please be patient, bear with the Life Fit Wellness team and each other as we adapt to new circumstances, learn new skills and tackle new technology.    



Everyone needs a break

Both a mental and physical break whether from the usual routine or from the crazy new routine. So do take time out in these challenging times. Remember the ‘break’ can be as simple as treating yourself to an uninterrupted hour of Pilates where you focus on no one but yourself. Perhaps your break is enjoying a walk outside in one of the many local parks or curling up with a good book and losing yourself in a COVID-19 free world.

P.S. If you see an empty Pilates mat soon you’ll know it’s my turn for a break at last.