By Raz Leonard, Chartered Physiotherapist, Yoga and Pilates Instructor
In case you hadn’t heard, my husband and I are planning to emigrate to New Zealand in the next few weeks. I wish we had picked a better time given all the changes and additional stress from the pandemic. If you see me, please don’t ask if I have started packing or when I’m going! At the time of writing this, I still have no visa or flight booked, so slightly anxious about it all. I’m keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that it all goes to plan (I can actually do that because of all the yoga & Pilates I’ve been teaching). If all goes well, we’ll be moving to Hawkes Bay in the North Island which is where much of the county’s wine is made, so an extra incentive to get there!
I wanted to reflect on my time here at Life Fit since March 2017. I was not sure how to present this and really didn’t want it to sound like a eulogy or a CV. I settled on compilation of highs and lows, interesting random facts and lots of photos to keep it fun.
“The Highs”
The team
Every team member here is oozing with qualifications, experience and passion for what they do. I found that the team here helped me raise my game; by challenging my thinking, keeping me on my toes and supporting me to better myself. I have definitely learnt so much from them and I’m thankful that everyone has been so generous, sharing and happy to help.
The courses
I was constantly blown away by the amazing star-studded line up of world class presenters here! I felt honoured to attend courses by Jeremy Lewis, Tom Goom and Chris Worsefold, to name just a few. The courses were always so well presented and fun, it was easy to take on the new evidenced based information and pass this on to my patients.

The yoga
I really enjoyed developing the “Physio-led Yoga” program. To develop this from scratch with David’s support, was really satisfying. To take an ancient discipline and apply clinical thinking behind the selection, order and delivery to specific people was a great experience. Thank you to all my students for your attendance, feedback and open minds. It really is the students who make the class.

The Pilates
I loved teaching my Wednesday night and Thursday morning classes. We did Pilates and we laughed in equal parts! I had complaints of noisy laughter coming from my classes on more than one occasion. Sorry (not sorry) for that. To my participants; I’ll miss you all and please do keep it up (the Pilates and the laughing)!
Favourite random fact about a client
I get one last time to brag about this. Jacqueline who came to my Wednesday night Pilates class used to weight train with a guy…who used to train with Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Favourite photos
The first shows my trip to the Falkirk 1298 CrossFit gym. I was really nervous that I’d fall off that pull up bar- it was so high up! The second was in mental health week. Not much more to add!

“The Lows”
Coldest moment
Life Fit have been giving massages out after some of the local races. My coldest moment was last year at one of these, during the cold and the rain. I thought my fingers were going to fall off, and they were definitely a different colour from the rest on my hand! If you were unlucky enough to be massaged by me I am sorry; I was trying to warm up my hands on your legs.

The travel
I drove from Southside Glasgow to Falkirk for my shift. It was quite far but for me, worth the travel. I think the most annoying thing about this was the traffic in Falkirk. I always felt like I was driving slowly in circles in this town – even out of rush hour. I guessed there was some sort of Bermuda Triangle like phenomena happening!
Not teaching or working during lockdown and being ‘furloughed’ has had mixed blessings. I was sad not to teach my classes or see my colleagues and patients. However, as some of you spotted in the BBC news my husband and I did enjoy cooking and baking, so not all bad news.

I am sorry to be leaving during lockdown and not getting to say goodbye in person. However, such is life and I get to say bye through this. It was lovely to have worked and Life Fit Wellness and to have met you all.
All the best to you, stay safe and keep healthy. Do keep coming to Life Fit so they can keep doing what they are so great at.