Health Videos
In this section you will find a series of short videos on a variety of health-related topics. We hope that you find these resources useful and we welcome feedback. If you enjoyed a video please feel free to share it with others.
Frozen Shoulder - A Patients Guide
Video presentation by Advanced Practice Physiotherapist & Sonographer, Stewart Kerr
A comprehensive overview of frozen shoulder. Explanation of the condition and discussion of treatment options including physiotherapy, steroid injections, specialist hydrodistention procedure and surgery.
Breaking Barriers to Exercise
In this short video, Dr. Mike Evans answers the question “What is the single best thing we can do for our health” in a in a completely new way. It highlights the importance of regular exercise and the benefits it can bring. Life Fit Wellness offer a range of services that can help you get more active and stay active!
23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?
e-presentation by Advanced Practice Physiotherapist, Stewart Kerr
The benefits and challenges of exercise are discussed alongside some tried and tested strategies to assist people in engaging with exercise in a sensible and sustainable way.
Tame the Beast - it's time to rethink persistent pain
A short informative video by leading Pain Scientist, Prof. Lorimer Moseley. He explains some of the lesser understood aspects of longstanding pain which may be useful for some people experiencing persistent pain.
More info:
Understanding Pain - in less than 5 minutes and what to do about it!
This video from the Hunter Integrated Pain Service (HIPS) is a great, easy to follow presentation that explores chronic pain and the best ways in which to deal with it.
Backed by the latest scientific research, the video shows the different ways in which chronic pain can affect people and how best to manage this.