Arlene Bowmaker
B.Sc (Hons)(Physio), MCSP, HCPC, ACPOHE
Chartered Physiotherapist
Available: Monday - Wednesday (Falkirk)
Arlene has been a physiotherapist longer than she hasn’t been a physiotherapist! She truly believes in the benefits of physiotherapy, how movement and exercise can be used to prevent, treat, rehabilitate and manage a whole range of injuries and illnesses. All this helps maintain optimal health for individuals.
Working on these principles, Arlene was drawn to the world of Pilates from an early point in her career. Initially it was for self-interest and benefit, but recognising its potential for her clinical clients, she studied further to gain teaching qualifications in both mat work and large equipment.
Enthusiastic about continuing education, Arlene actively attends courses and conferences and takes every opportunity to enhance her physiotherapy and Pilates knowledge.
Having been introduced to Nordic Walking (NW) through the Pilates world (it was described as Pilates upright and outside) Arlene has also become a Nordic Walking Instructor for British Nordic Walking (BNW). Her involvement and further study has seen her appointed as National Trainer for Scotland and she is regularly involved in teaching the training course for new BNW Instructors and Walk Leaders. In addition to this, she teaches the NW method to more local clients who use it for rehabilitation or to improve their fitness.
Arlene’s physiotherapy journey started in her native Northern Ireland at the University of Ulster in 1992 when she graduated with BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy. Determined to spread her wings outside NI her clinical work began at the Western General Hospital (WGH) in Edinburgh. She held a rotational post, rotating through the many clinical specialities with a significant time spent in various neurological and outpatient departments, areas she found clinically appealing.
Her journey in private practice really began in Australia where, especially back then, this setting was much more commonplace than in the UK. It was in this environment she discovered her love of Pilates, and also began to specialise in occupational injuries and ergonomics, both office and industrial settings.
On her return to the UK after living ‘down under’ for 4 years, Arlene and her husband David (also a physiotherapist who she met whilst working at the WGH…but that’s a whole other story!) realised that after so long in private practice in Australia they were going to have to work in private practice back in Scotland. And what better way to do it than to create their own!
Kept busy professionally with treating patients, teaching Pilates and NW and personally with family, Arlene has to work hard to carve out time to relax. She enjoys cycling and running, in addition to practising Pilates and NW herself.
However, don’t think for one minute she is action woman, she loves nothing better than curling up with a good book (usually recommended and/or supplied by patients!) and a glass of red wine.